How to Find iPhone Backup Location on Mac and PC

This is a coque iphone 7 unkut complete guide on how to find iPhone backup location on Mac and Windows computers.

Despite iTunes backup (only on PC) feels old school, it still the favorite way to back up iPhone for coque coque huawei p9 iphone 5 se silcone many iOS device users. coque huawei p10 If you have ever synced your iPhone, your iPad or other iOS devices to your Mac, you have backup folders stored on your users folder.

But most people (including me) never bother to find their coque iphone 6s dragon ball super iPhone backup location on their computers until they really need it. And you may wonder how can I view iPhone backup files or where are iPhone backups stored

In this article, you learn how and where to find your iPhone backups on your Mac or Windows PC.

iPhone Backup Location on MacHow to view iPhone backup files on Mac

Your iPhone backup location is coque iphone 6s forever 21 buried into a directory on your coque iphone 6 drogue Mac. Regardless of what version of macOS coque autres huawei coque iphone 7 vandenborre you Mac is running, all backup files are backed up and stored at coque samsung j6 the following location:

Method 1You coque iphone 7 ducati can locate your iPhone backup location by clicking on the Search icon coque samsung s9 (magnifying glass) coque iphone 5s rigide liquide located on the right of the coque iphone 8 camion menu bar. Then, copy and paste the following command:A window will appear on the coque iphone 6 s livraison rapide screen with your most recent backups. As you can see, my last backup was September 26, 2019.

Screenshot: Herby Jasmin/GotechtorMethod 2Alternatively, you can open a Finder window, click on located coque iphone 6 lemonade beyonce in the menu bar, then scroll down coque iphone 7 fleuri and click on to Folder You could also simply hit + Shift + G on the keyboard.

The preference box with an input field coque iphone 6 teamshape will pop up comparatif coque iphone 6s on the screen, type in the following coque iphone 6s nike blanche command:Screenshot: Herby Jasmin/GotechtorMethod 3You could also find your iPhone backup location while you on coque iphone 5s feuille iTunes. Click on in the upper left corner of your Mac, then click on from the drop down menu.

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Then, click on in Finder from the list of available options to locate the location of your iPhone backup. You can delete or archive your backups if it what you desire.

Screenshot: Herby Jasmin/GotechtoriPhone backup location Windows PCOn Windows computers, your iPhone backups location may be different depending on the version of the operating system…